19. The Bride vs. Elle Driver in ... Kill Bill: Volume II
The Setup: Freeing herself from a premature earthy tomb, Uma Thurman’s ‘Bride’ seeks revenge on the man who put her there. Arriving at Bud’s trailer, The Bride encounters and old foe which is not her intended target. Cue sword fight.
The Weird: While not inadvertently strange, at least not by Tarantino standards, having a rumpus with 5 foot swords in a trailer home is not without its uniqueness. The truly unexpected lies without the spect-ocular finale…an eye for an eye indeed.
WTFness Factor: 1
18. Mal vs. The Operative (x2) in ... Serenity
The Setup: Meet Mal. He’s brash, he’s witty and he can’t really fight. Case in point: Serenity. Spawned from the cult-mega smash Firefly, we meet our second sword wielding villain with Chiwetel Ejiofor’s ‘The Operative’. Traveling to save his lady love, Mal falls victim to a (much anticipated) trap and with only his bravado to fuel him, proceeds to get flung around like a gun-toting rag doll.
The Weird: Being the glutton for punishment he is, Mal challenges the Op to a rematch to buy his crew some time. Continued pain follows.
WTFness Factor: 1